
Science is often inaccessible. Paywalls, academic jargon, and racist, classist elitism make consuming data difficult. To have broad impacts, it is necessary to reach a broad audience, which means disseminating information beyond peer-reviewed journals and academic conferences. To that end, I’ve started writing blog posts, creating fun shiny apps, and social media graphics about Psychology.

Blog Posts

Here I write about implementing CURE principles into EAT Lab Research Assistant meetings

Read my post on moving from group level analyses to the individual level in eating disorder research

How to manage disgust in context of your eating disorder

Worry or Rumination? How are they different and what’s it have to do with eating disorders

Shiny App

I plotted my cohort’s NEO profiles for a guessing game

Social Media

EAT Lab images for Social Media


I speak with Drs. Rachel MacIntyre, PhD, and Megan Lynch, PsyD about eating disorders among LGBTQ+ individuals